
Monday, May 5, 2014

C++ Tutorial

C++ Tutorial (1)

Hello, World!

Let’s start with the traditional Hello, World! program, so that we can test our C++ compiler suite. The file tut01_01.cppcontains:
// tut01_01.cpp -- a simple C++ hello, world program.

#include <iostream>

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  std::cout << "Hello, World!" << std::endl;
With GCC, we can compile and run it manually like this:
% c++ -Wall -o tut01_01 tut01_01.cpp
% ./tut01_01
Hello, World!
Exercise: Try to compile and run tut01_01.cpp on your platform. Unless you’re using a Unix-like operating system, you may have to install a C++ compiler, and figure out how to call it. You can’t proceed with this tutorial unless you’re able to compile C++ programs on your own.

Interactive Hello, World!

Now, let’s get some user input. Copy tut01_01.cpp into tut01_02.cpp and change it like this:
// tut01_02.cpp -- a simple C++ hello, world program, with user input

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  std::string theName;

  std::cout << "Hi! What's your name? ";
  std::cin  >> theName;
  std::cout << "Welcome, " << theName << "!"
            << std::endl;
Again, compile and run:
% c++ -Wall -o tut01_02 tut01_02.cpp
% ./tut01_02
Hi! What's your name? John
Welcome, John!
But what if John entered his whole name?
% ./tut01_02
Hi! What's your name? John Doe
Welcome, John!
As we can see, std::cin >> theName truncated the input, stopping at the first whitespace. Or, to be more precise, the input operator, applied to a std::string reads characters up to the next whitespace. This is counter-intuitive and the first gotcha. For Perl or Python programmers, reading a whole line is a lot more natural. To do this, we’ll use thestd::getline() function:
// tut01_03.cpp -- a simple C++ hello, world program, with user input

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  std::string theName;

  std::cout << "Hi! What's your name? ";
  std::getline(std::cin, theName);            // read a whole line
  std::cout << "Welcome, " << theName << "!"
            << std::endl;
Let’s test it:
% c++ -Wall -o tut01_03 tut01_03.cpp
% ./tut01_03
Hi! What's your name? John Doe
Welcome, John Doe!

Getting more data from the user

Now we care how old the user is (or pretends he/she is):
// tut01_04.cpp -- a simple C++ hello, world program, with user input

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

const unsigned short ADULT_AGE = 18;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  std::string theName;
  unsigned short theAge;

  std::cout << "Hi! What's your name? ";
  std::getline(std::cin, theName);            // read a whole line

  std::cout << "How old are you? ";
  std::cin  >> theAge;

  std::cout << "Hey, " << theName << ", welcome to ";
  if (theAge < ADULT_AGE)
    std::cout << "Disneyland!\n";
    std::cout << "XXX-land!\n";
Trying it out:
% c++ -Wall -o tut01_04 tut01_04.cpp

% ./tut01_04
Hi! What's your name? John Doe
How old are you? 31
Hey, John Doe, welcome to XXX-land!

% ./tut01_04
Hi! What's your name? Mickey TooYoung
How old are you? 3
Hey, Mickey TooYoung, welcome to Disneyland!

An object-oriented version

Encapsulating theName and theAge into a single object would be neat. The file tut01_05.cpp starts with a definition of our new class TheUser:
// tut01_05.cpp -- a simple C++ hello, world program, class oriented.

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

const unsigned short ADULT_AGE = 18;

class TheUser
  std::string theName_;
  unsigned short theAge_;
To use that class, we append the following main() function to the end of the source file tut01_05.cpp:
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  TheUser theUser;

  std::cout << "Hi! What's your name? ";
  std::getline(std::cin, theUser.theName_);

  std::cout << "How old are you? ";
  std::cin  >> theUser.theAge_;

  std::cout << "Hey, " << theUser.theName_ << ", welcome to ";
  if (theUser.theAge_ < ADULT_AGE)
    std::cout << "Disneyland!\n";
    std::cout << "XXX-land!\n";
We instantiate an object theUser of type TheUser, and start using its (public) members theName_ and theAge_.
Compiling and running tut01_05.cpp yields:
% c++ -Wall -o tut01_05 tut01_05.cpp
% ./tut01_05
Hi! What's your name? John Doe
How old are you? 32
Hey, John Doe, welcome to XXX-land!
Instead of using a class, and made the members public, we could also have used a struct in this particular case, as in:
struct TheUser
  std::string theName_;
  unsigned short theAge_;
But, the members shouldn’t be publicly accessible from the outside, if we want to uphold data encapsulation principles. We can hide the members, making them private. Then we should relax the hiding by making them indirectly accessible through accessor functions (which could perform additional checks, but won’t in our simple example):
// tut01_06.cpp -- a simple C++ hello, world program, class oriented

#include <string>
#include <iostream>

typedef unsigned short age_t;
const age_t ADULT_AGE = 18;

class TheUser
  TheUser(std::string theName = "N/A", age_t theAge = 0) :
    theName_(theName), theAge_(theAge) { }

  const std::string getName() const { return theName_; }
  const age_t getAge() const { return theAge_; }

  void setName(const std::string &newName) { theName_ = newName; }
  void setAge(const age_t newAge) { theAge_ = newAge; }

  std::string theName_;
  age_t theAge_;
Note that we’ve introduced a custom type age_t.
We can use this slightly modified class in the following main(). The code is similar to tut01_05.cpp, with the exception that we now access the member functions indrectly through the accessors getName() and getAge().
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  std::string someName;
  age_t someAge;

  std::cout << "Hi! What's your name? ";
  std::getline(std::cin, someName);

  std::cout << "How old are you? ";
  std::cin  >> someAge;

  TheUser theUser(someName, someAge);

  std::cout << "Hey, " << theUser.getName() << ", welcome to ";
  if (theUser.getAge() < ADULT_AGE)
    std::cout << "Disneyland!\n";
    std::cout << "XXX-land!\n";
Compiling and interacting with tut01_06 is the same as with tut01_05.

Input and output operators

It would be nice if we could input and output TheUser instances as if they were POD (plain old data) data types (like int,short etc…). That’s easy if we override the operators like this:
// tut01_07.cpp -- a simple C++ hello, world program, iostream operators

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
#include <iomanip>

typedef unsigned short age_t;
const age_t ADULT_AGE = 18;

class TheUser
  TheUser(std::string theName = "N/A", age_t theAge = 0) :
    theName_(theName), theAge_(theAge) { }

  friend std::istream& operator>> (std::istream &in, TheUser &user);
  friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TheUser &user);

  std::string theName_;
  age_t theAge_;

std::istream& operator>> (std::istream &in, TheUser &user)
  in >> user.theAge_ >> std::ws;
  std::getline(in, user.theName_);
  return in;

std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TheUser &user)
  return out << user.theAge_ << " " << user.theName_ << std::endl;
Operator operator>> operates on a std::istream (defined in <istream>), which it should return after use. Operatoroperator<< operates on a std::ostream (defined in <ostream>), which it also should return after use. The second argument to both operators is the instance that to be input into, or output from. The best way to get used to those operators is to remember their signature by heart.
Note that the manipulator std::ws (defined in <iomanip>) swallows whitespaces.
Both operators are declare friend of TheUser, so that they can access TheUser‘s private (and protected) data membersTheName_ and TheAge_.
With those operators in place, we can now write an object with std::cout << theUser, and read an object with std::cin >> theUser, as if theUser was a POD type like int or age_t:
main(int argc, char *argv[])

  TheUser theUser;
  std::cout << "Uninitialized: " << theUser << std::endl;

  std::cout << "Please enter age [whitespace(s)] name: ";
  std::cin  >> theUser;

  std::cout << "The user is: " << theUser;
See how readable the code has become?
Compling and interacting with this program:
% c++ -Wall -o tut01_07 tut01_07.cpp
% ./tut01_07
Uninitialized: 0, N/A

Please enter age [whitespace(s)] name: 32 John Doe
The user is: 32 John Doe

File I/O

What’s a program worth if it can’t persist its data somewhere. We’d like to save and load instances of TheUser to and from files, respectively, one instance per line. We start where we’ve left off in tut01_07.cpp. With the addition of the headers <fstream> and <cstdlib> and the member function bump_age(), everything remains the same:
// tut01_08.cpp -- a simple C++ hello, world program, file streams

#include <string>
#include <iostream>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>

typedef unsigned short age_t;
const age_t ADULT_AGE = 18;

class TheUser
  TheUser(std::string theName = "N/A", age_t theAge = 0) :
    theName_(theName), theAge_(theAge) { }
  void bump_age(void) { ++theAge_; }
  friend std::istream& operator>> (std::istream &in, TheUser &user);
  friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TheUser &user);

  std::string theName_;
  age_t theAge_;

std::istream& operator>> (std::istream &in, TheUser &user)
  in >> user.theAge_ >> std::ws;
  std::getline(in, user.theName_);
  return in;

std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TheUser &user)
  return out << user.theAge_ << " " << user.theName_ << std::endl;
Please note that the input and output operators still operate on std::istream and std::ostream. As such, they are file stream agnostic. But that will come in handy now. In the function main(), we make use of std::ifstream and std::ofstream(defined in <fstream>):
main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc != 3) {
    std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0]
              << " infile.dat outfile.dat"
              << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  std::ifstream ifs(argv[1]);
  std::ofstream ofs(argv[2]);

  TheUser aUser;

  while (ifs >> aUser) {
    ofs << aUser;


  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Assuming we started with the file ifile.dat:
32 John Doe
8  Mickey TooYoung
compiling, then running the program tut01_08.cpp yields:
% c++ -Wall -o tut01_08 tut01_08.cpp
% ./tut01_08 ifile.dat ofile.dat
% cat ofile.dat
33 John Doe
9 Mickey TooYoung
As you can see, a std::ifstream is a std::istream, and a std::ofstream is a std::ostream, so the input and output operators could be used unchanged.
From a practical point of view, what’s important here is that the output stream must be readable 1:1 back into an input stream. Should we decide to add additional fields (members) to TheUser, those fields should be placed in such a way as to preserve the property of reading back what we’ve written out. If necessary, some fields will need to be enclosed in some well-defined delimiters, as in:
32 "John Doe" "15. Yellow Drive"
Obviously, the delimiter must be escaped if necessary:
32 "John \"the weasel\" Doe" "15. Yellow Drive"
Writing this out is easy. Modify the output operator accordingly. Reading it back in is a lot more complicated. This is where other techniques can be leveraged, like boost::serialization, XML parsers etc… (in another tutorial).


Creating a couple of TheUser instances is easy. Storing them in an appropriate data structure is easy too.
First, let’s modularize the data. The header tut01_09.h defines the class TheUser:
// tut01_09.h -- the class TheUser

#ifndef TUT01_09_H_INCLUDED
#define TUT01_09_H_INCLUDED

#include <string>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>

typedef unsigned short age_t;
const age_t ADULT_AGE = 18;

class TheUser
  TheUser(std::string theName = "N/A", age_t theAge = 0) :
    theName_(theName), theAge_(theAge) { }
  void bump_age(void) { ++theAge_; }
  friend std::istream& operator>> (std::istream &in, TheUser &user);
  friend std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TheUser &user);

  std::string theName_;
  age_t theAge_;

#endif // TUT01_09_H_INCLUDED
The implementation of the input and output operators (and later possibly additional functions) goes into tut01_09.cpp:
// tut01_09.cpp -- the class TheUser

#include "tut01_09.h"
#include <iomanip>

std::istream& operator>> (std::istream &in, TheUser &user)
  in >> user.theAge_ >> std::ws;
  std::getline(in, user.theName_);
  return in;

std::ostream& operator<< (std::ostream &out, const TheUser &user)
  return out << user.theAge_ << " " << user.theName_ << std::endl;
tut01_09.cpp could be compiled separately into an object file tut01_09.o, but we won’t do that in this example.
Finally, main() goes into the driver program tut01_09a.cpp:
// tut01_09a.cpp -- driver for tut01_09.cpp

#include "tut01_09.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <vector>

typedef std::vector<TheUser> theuser_vec_t;

main(int argc, char *argv[])
  if (argc != 3) {
    std::cerr << "Usage: " << argv[0]
              << " infile.dat outfile.dat"
              << std::endl;
    return EXIT_FAILURE;

  theuser_vec_t aVec;
  TheUser aUser;

  // Read TheUser instances into aVec
  std::ifstream ifs(argv[1]);
  while (ifs >> aUser) {

  // Write TheUser instances into file
  std::ofstream ofs(argv[2]);
  if (!aVec.empty()) {
    typedef theuser_vec_t::const_iterator vec_iter_t;

    for (vec_iter_t i = aVec.begin(); i != aVec.end(); ++i)
      ofs << *i;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
We used a std::vector container from the STL (Standard Template Library), instantiated to the data type TheUser. We read all instances of TheUser from a file (see previous example) into that container. Then we write every object of this container back out into another file, after incrementing the age of each TheUser instance.
We compile this program like this:
% c++ -Wall -o tut01_09a tut01_09.cpp tut01_09a.cpp
% ./tut01_09a
Usage: ./tut01_09a infile.dat outfile.dat
Starting again with ifile.dat, we get the same output file ofile.dat as shown above:
% cat ifile.dat
32 John Doe
8  Mickey TooYoung

% ./tut01_09a ifile.dat ofile.dat

% cat ofile.dat
33 John Doe
9 Mickey TooYoung
Exercise: Notice how the two whitespace between 8 and Mickey TooYoung in ifile.dat collapsed into a single whitespace between 9 and Mickey TooYoung in ofile.dat? Explain.

C++ Tutorial (2)

Introducing std::map

Associative arrays a.k.a. dictionaries are one of the most useful data structures. That’s why they are so popular among very high level programming languages like Python or Perl. In C++, the STL data type std::map is one possible implementation of dictionaries, though it’s not the only one available.


We must first determine the data type of the keys and values, since std::map is templated. Let’s suppose that keys arestd::string, and values are int. To declare a map variable aMap. we start by including the necessary headers:
#include <string>
#include <map>
Declaring the map variable aMap is as simple as:
std::map<std::string, int> aMap;
While this is enough for most uses, it can become quite cumbersome to repeat it, e.g. in function definitions:
std::map<std::string, int>
merge_maps(const std::map<std::string, int> &someMap,
           const std::map<std::string, int> &someOtherMap);
To simplify such code, typedefs are quite useful:
typedef std::map<std::string, int> map_t;

map_t aMap;

merge_maps(const map_t &someMap, const map_t &someOtherMap);
Of course, we can also allocate a map variable dynamically. With the previously typedef‘d map_t:
map_t *map_ptr = new map_t;
// ... do something with *map_ptr, then:
delete map_ptr;


The main idea of maps is to add key/value pairs to them:
aMap["C++"] = 10;
aMap["Python"] = 8;
aMap["Perl"] = 6;
aMap["Scheme"] = 7;
aMap["Java"] = 3;
Changing a value is easy:
++aMap["Python"];               // is now 9
aMap["C++"] = aMap["C++"] + 10; // is now 20
We may want to remove a key/value pair, knowing its key:
aMap.erase("Scheme"); // remove "Scheme"/7 from map.


Querying a map is easiest, if we already know the key:
#include <iostream>

std::cout << "Ranking of C++: " << aMap["C++"] << std::endl;
std::cout << "Ranking of Python: " << aMap["Python"] << std::endl;
Gotcha! However, we can’t query if a key is in the map using the subscript notation, because writing something likeaMap["Prolog"] automatically instantiates a new key/value pair with the key “Prolog” and the default value for the mapped type (here 0) if it doesn’t already exist:
int value = aMap["Prolog"]; // WRONG!
// now aMap["Prolog"] == 0, while it didn'e exist before
The equivalent of Python’s dict.has_key function, which doesn’t gratuitously add a new key/value pair to the map can be implemented like this in C++:
has_key(const map_t &the_map, const map_t::key_type &the_key)
  map_t::const_iterator iter = the_map.find(the_key);
  return iter != the_map.end();
This brings us to std::map iterators, and how to traverse a map.


So what’s in aMap? If we don’t know which keys are in it, we can’t query it directly (think about it, it’s quite obvious). Unlike Python, we don’t have a function that returns a list of keys, so that we can iterate over it. But fortunately, C++’sstd::map provides iterators that can be used like this:
typedef map_t::const_iterator iter_t;

for (iter_t i = aMap.begin(); i != aMap.end(); ++i)
  // i->first is the curent key
  // i->second is the current value
  // *i is a std::pair<const std::string, int>

  std::cout << "key: " << i->first << std::endl;
  std::cout << "value: " << i->second << std::endl;
The difference between an map_t::const_iterator and map_t::iterator is that we can’t change the mapped type with aconst_iterator. Bumping all values requires an iterator:
for (map_t::iterator i = aMap.begin(); i != aMap.end(); ++i)
So, to implement the equivalent of the Python dict.keys method, which returns a list of keys of a dictionary in C++:
#include <list>

keys(const map_t &the_map)
  std::list<map_t::key_type> theKeys;
  map_t::const_iterator iter;

  for (iter = the_map.begin(); iter != the_map.end(); ++iter)

  return theKeys;
This can be used like this:
#include <algorithm>

printme(const map_t::key_type &aKey)
  std::cout << "Key=" << aKey << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  // ...
  std::list<map_t::key_type> allKeys;
  allKeys = keys(aMap);
  std::for_each(allKeys.begin(), allKeys.end(), printme);
  // ...

A practical example

With what we’ve learned so far, we can write a simple C++ program that counts how often words occur in a text:
// tut_02_01.cpp -- word count using std::map

#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <map>

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  typedef std::map<std::string, unsigned int> wc_t;

  wc_t wordCount;
  std::string aWord;

  while (std::cin >> aWord) {

  typedef wc_t::const_iterator wc_iter_t;
  for (wc_iter_t i=wordCount.begin(); i != wordCount.end(); ++i)
    std::cout << i->first << ": " << i->second << std::endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
If we compile and run this program on the following file tut_02_01.txt:
a horse is a horse
of course of course
a test is a test
and is successful if passed
and crap if failed
we get this output:
% c++ -Wall -o tut_02_01 tut_02_01.cpp
% ./tut_02_01 < tut_02_01.txt
a: 4
and: 2
course: 2
crap: 1
failed: 1
horse: 2
if: 2
is: 3
of: 2
passed: 1
successful: 1
test: 2
As you can see, the keys are sorted alphabetically.

Not yet covered so far

In subsequent parts of this tutorial:

C++ Tutorial (3)

This is part 3 of a fast paced C++ tutorial for programmers familiar with high level languages like Perl and Python.

User-defined classes im maps

The maps in the previous tutorial contained only pairs of basic types like int or std::string. In this section, we’ll see how to store arbitrary objects of user-defined classes in maps (and other STL containers).


Before we dive right in, we need to talk a little about lifetime issues of C++ objects. In most interpreted languages, you don’t have to care about lifetime of objects, because memory allocation and deallocation happen automagically. Let’s look at a typical example in Python:
#!/usr/bin/env python
# -- objects in dictionaries

class Employee(object):
    "A typical employee."
    def __init__(self, name="N/A", salary=1000.0): = name
        self.salary = salary

if __name__ == '__main__':
    e1 = Employee("e1", 2000.0)
    e2 = Employee("e2", 1800.0)
    print "e1:", e1
    print "e2:", e2
    aDict = {}
    aDict["e1"] = e1
    aDict["e2"] = e2
    print aDict
Running this program, we get:
% python
e1: <__main__.Employee object at 0x800ec7750>
e2: <__main__.Employee object at 0x800ec79d0>
{'e1': <__main__.Employee object at 0x800ec7750>,
 'e2': <__main__.Employee object at 0x800ec79d0>}
If you pay close attention to the pointers to e1 and e2, you’ll notice that the values in the dictionary point to the very same objects (which is fine). This way, you can change e1 via the dictionary like this:
aDict["e1"].salary += 100
If we now print e1.salary, we get 2100.0: we’ve just modified e1.
What happens under the hood is that Python stores Employee objects in an internal data structure. Each time we assign such an object to a variable (like e1), a smart pointer to that internal data structure is stored into that variable. Ditto for dictionaries and other containers. The smart pointer maintains a reference count, so that the internal data structure will only be destroyed, when all pointers that point to it have been destroyed. In Python (and most other interpreted languages like Ruby, Perl, PHP, Java, …), variables never contain the objects themselves, but pointers to them!
Not so in C++! If we store an object in a variable, or in an STL container like std::map, std::vector, std::list etc., a copy of that object is made, and that copy will ultimately be stored.
To see this in action, let’s reimplement Employee in C++:
// tut03_01.h -- a sample Employee class

#ifndef TUT03_01_H
#define TUT03_01_H

#include <string>
#include <istream>
#include <ostream>
#include <iostream>

const float DEFAULT_SALARY = 1000.0;

class Employee

   name_("N/A"), salary_(DEFAULT_SALARY) {
     std::cerr << "Employee() called"
               << " -- this=" << this << ". [default ctor]" << std::endl;
  Employee(const std::string name, const float salary) :
   name_(name), salary_(salary) {
     std::cerr << "Employee(" << name << "," << salary << ") called"
               << " -- this=" << this << ". [normal ctor]" << std::endl;
  Employee(const Employee &copy) {
    name_ = copy.name_;
    salary_ = copy.salary_;
    std::cerr << "Employee(" << &copy << ") called"
              << " -- this=" << this << ". [copy ctor]" << std::endl;

  ~Employee() {
    std::cerr << "~Employee([" << this << "]) called" << std::endl;
  Employee& operator=(const Employee &rhs) {
    name_ = rhs.name_;
    salary_ = rhs.salary_;
    std::cerr << "operator=(" << &rhs << ") called"
              << " -- this=" << this << ". [assign operator]" << std::endl;
    return *this;
  std::string getName() const { return name_; }
  float getSalary() const { return salary_; }
  void setName(const std::string newName) { name_ = newName; }
  void setSalary(const float newSalary) { salary_ = newSalary; }
  friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream &ostr, const Employee &emp);
  friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream &istr, Employee &emp);
  std::string name_;
  float salary_;

std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &ostr, const Employee &emp)
  return ostr << "Employee(" << emp.name_ << ","
              << emp.salary_ << "), this=" << &emp;

std::istream &operator>>(std::istream &istr, Employee &emp)
  // We first read the salary, then the name!
  istr >> emp.salary_;
  std::getline(istr, emp.name_);
  return istr;

#endif // TUT03_01_H
We’ll see shortly what all those constructors, operator= and member functions are for.
A simple test program? Okay, here we go:
// tut03_01.cpp -- testing the Employee class

#include "tut03_01.h"

const char *separator = "---------------------------------------------------";

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  // Calling the default constructor Employee()
  std::cout << "CALLING Employee e0;" << std::endl;
  Employee e0;
  std::cout << "e0 is " << e0 << std::endl << separator << std::endl;

  // Calling the constructor Employee(std::string, float)
  std::cout << "CALLING Employee e1(\"e1\", 1200.0);" << std::endl;
  Employee e1("e1", 1200.0);
  std::cout << "e1 is " << e1 << std::endl << separator << std::endl;

  // Calling the copy constructor
  std::cout << "CALLING Employee e2(e1); // and changing name to e2"
            << std::endl;
  Employee e2(e1);
  std::cout << "e2 is now " << e2 << std::endl << separator << std::endl;

  // Testing the assignment operator by calling e2 = e0;
  std::cout << "CALLING e2 = e0;" << std::endl;
  e2 = e0;
  std::cout << "e2 is now " << e2 << std::endl << separator << std::endl;

  // Testing the dynamic case (new)
  std::cout << "CALLING Employee *empPtr = new Employee(\"e_new\", 8000.0);"
            << std::endl;
  Employee *empPtr = new Employee("e_new", 8000);
  std::cout << "*empPtr is " << *empPtr << std::endl << separator << std::endl;

  // Explicitly deleting empPtr:
  std::cout << "CALLING delete empPtr;" << std::endl;
  delete empPtr;

  // Here, e2, e1, e0 will be destroyed.
So let’s see what happens, when we run this program:
% c++ -o tut03_01 tut03_01.cpp

% ./tut03_01
CALLING Employee e0;
Employee() called -- this=0x7fffffffea00. [default ctor]
e0 is Employee(N/A,1000), this=0x7fffffffea00
CALLING Employee e1("e1", 1200.0);
Employee(e1,1200) called -- this=0x7fffffffe9f0. [normal ctor]
e1 is Employee(e1,1200), this=0x7fffffffe9f0
CALLING Employee e2(e1); // and changing name to e2
Employee(0x7fffffffe9f0) called -- this=0x7fffffffe9e0. [copy ctor]
e2 is now Employee(e2,1200), this=0x7fffffffe9e0
CALLING e2 = e0;
operator=(0x7fffffffea00) called -- this=0x7fffffffe9e0. [assign operator]
e2 is now Employee(N/A,1000), this=0x7fffffffe9e0
CALLING Employee *empPtr = new Employee("e_new", 8000.0);
Employee(e_new,8000) called -- this=0x800d04040. [normal ctor]
*empPtr is Employee(e_new,8000), this=0x800d04040
CALLING delete empPtr;
~Employee([0x800d04040]) called
~Employee([0x7fffffffe9e0]) called
~Employee([0x7fffffffe9f0]) called
~Employee([0x7fffffffea00]) called
Now pay close attention to the pointers of the objects.
So what do we see here?
  • The first Employee has been created by a default constructor, and stored in the variable e0.
  • Providing explicit parameters for the name and the salary, invokes a different constructor, i.e. the one with the signature Employee(const std::string name, const float salary). Again, an Employee object is created, and stored in the variable e1.
  • When we call Employee e2(e1), we are in fact requesting that a copy of the object stored in e1 be made, and that copy be stored into the variable e2. C++ calls the copy constructor Employee(const Employee &copy), which creates a new object and stores it into e2.
  • Finally, the expression e2 = e0 means that we effectively want the state of e0 to be copied into the object stored into e2. Important: Note that e2 must already exist! This calls the assignment operator operator=, which in turn performs the necessary state-copying.
Hadn’t we explicitly defined the copy constructor and assignment operator, the compiler would have defined them for us. In this case, the state of the source object would have been copied over to the target object in a bit-wise fashion by the compiler-generated code (which we don’t see in the source code files). In our particular case, this would be been fine. However, it is not always a good idea to rely on compiler-generated functions: what if the state contained pointers to memory allocated with new? We would have gotten shallow copy semantics, and a lot of head scratching as to who would be responsible for delete-ing that! That’s why we need explicit copy constructors and assignment operators.
There’s nothing interesting to say about the last test case with new and delete. It behaves as expected, right?


The most important lesson to learn is that STL containers store copies of objects. This is different from Python, whose containers always store smart pointers to objects.
To illustrate this STL behavior, the following test program:
// tut03_01a.cpp -- store an Employee object in a std::list

#include "tut03_01.h"
#include <list>
#include <cstdlib>

typedef std::list<Employee> list_t;

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  Employee e1("e1", 1000);
  list_t aList;


  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
would print:
% c++ -o tut03_01a tut03_01a.cpp

% ./tut03_01a
Employee(e1,1000) called -- this=0x7fffffffea30. [normal ctor]
Employee(0x7fffffffea30) called -- this=0x800d02070. [copy ctor]
~Employee([0x800d02070]) called
~Employee([0x7fffffffea30]) called
So, what’s going on here? Look at the addresses:
  • The first object created at the address 0x7fffffffea30 was stored in e1.
  • The STL implementation of std::list.push_back() effectively called Employee‘s copy constructor to generate a copy of e1. This new copy with the (different) address 0x800d02070 has been stored in the list.
  • Because aList was created after e1, it will be destroyed before e1 when the program is about to end. When the destructor of aList is called, it will walk through all objects stored in the list, calling their destructors in turn. That’s why the copied object 0x800d02070‘s destructor will be called next.
  • Even though we can’t see it, aList will be destroyed at this point, after it has destroyed all its elements.
  • Last but not least, e1 will be destroyed, i.e. the destructor for the original object 0x7fffffffea30 will get called.
As we can see, std::list stores copies of objects, and assumes responsibility for calling their destructors when necessary.
Let’s repeat this test, using a std::map instead of a std::list:
// tut03_01b.cpp -- store an Employee object in a std::map

#include "tut03_01.h"
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <cstdlib>

typedef std::map<std::string, Employee> map_t;

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  Employee e1("e1", 1000);
  map_t aMap;

  aMap["e1"] = e1;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
What whould happen here? We already expect std::map to create a copy of e1:
% c++ -o tut03_01b tut03_01b.cpp

% ./tut03_01b
Employee(e1,1000) called -- this=0x7fffffffea20. [normal ctor]
Employee() called -- this=0x7fffffffe9a0. [default ctor]
Employee(0x7fffffffe9a0) called -- this=0x7fffffffe988. [copy ctor]
Employee(0x7fffffffe988) called -- this=0x800d03068. [copy ctor]
~Employee([0x7fffffffe988]) called
~Employee([0x7fffffffe9a0]) called
operator=(0x7fffffffea20) called -- this=0x800d03068. [assign operator]
~Employee([0x800d03068]) called
~Employee([0x7fffffffea20]) called
Woah, hold on! What’s going on here? That’s a lot more complicated that with std::list!
If we follow the addresses, this is what we gather from all this (in pseudo code):
// This is what really happens (Pseudo-Code):
Employee e1("e1", 1000);    // 0x7fffffffea20

Employee e2;                // 0x7fffffffe9a0
Employee e3(e2);            // 0x7fffffffe988
Employee e4(e3);            // 0x800d03068


e4 = e1;

So, basically, std::map creates a copy of our original object e1 and stores it (in our pseudo-code it is marked as e4) in the map.
However, this copy isn’t made directly. Instead, this particular implementation of std::map creates a few intermediary ephemeral objects (e2 and e3), which get destroyed almost immediately again. Why it does this can’t be guessed without looking at the source code of std::map.operator[].
What’s important for us here right now is not that ephemeral objects get created, but the relative order in which the copy (e4) and the original (e1) are being destroyed: just like in the previous std::list example, since aMap is being destroyed before e1, the destructor of aMap takes care of calling the destructors of all stored objects (copies), therefore destroying e4 first. Then, after aMap has been destroyed, e1 is being destroyed in turn.
By the way, hadn’t we implemented the default constructor Employee() in the class Employee, this particular implementation of std::map would have thrown a compile error at us, looking somewhat like this:
% c++ -o tut03_01b tut03_01b.cpp
/usr/include/c++/4.2/bits/stl_map.h: In member function
'_Tp& std::map<_Key, _Tp, _Compare, _Alloc>::operator[](const _Key&)
  [with _Key = std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
                                 std::allocator<char> >,
        _Tp = Employee,
        _Compare = std::less<std::basic_string<char, std::char_traits<char>,
                             std::allocator<char> > >,
        _Alloc = std::allocator<std::pair<const std::basic_string<char,
                                                   std::allocator<char> >,
                                          Employee> >]':
tut03_01b.cpp:16:   instantiated from here
/usr/include/c++/4.2/bits/stl_map.h:350: error:
   no matching function for call to 'Employee::Employee()'
tut03_01.h:24: note: candidates are: Employee::Employee(const Employee&)
tut03_01.h:14: note:                 Employee::Employee(std::string, float)
What does this cryptic message tell us? We obviously need a standard constructor Employee(), and neither our constructor Employee(const std::string name, const float salary) nor our copy constructor Employee(const Employee &copy) were able to fulfill the role of a standard constructor.
So how can we solve the problem? We can:
  • either add an Employee() standard constructor to the class Employee as we did alright,
  • or change Employee(const std::string, const float) to a constructor that accepts default parameters, as inEmployee(const std::string="N/A", const float salary = 1000.0).


We’ve just seen that storing Employee objects in a std::map container incurs not only additional and gratuitous copies in the form of ephemeral and target objects, it also means per-value / copy semantics: changing an object in the STL container doesn’t affect the original object, but only the copy in the container.
If we wanted to mimic Python’s dictionary (and variable) semantics, we could store pointers to Employee objects right into the std::map, instead of storing the whole Employee objects.
A naive first try:
// tut03_01c.cpp -- store pointers to Employee objects in a std::map

#include "tut03_01.h"
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <cstdlib>

typedef std::map<std::string, Employee *> map_t;

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  Employee e1("e1", 1000);
  map_t aMap;

  aMap["e1"] = &e1;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
seems to be running just fine:
% c++ -o tut03_01c tut03_01c.cpp

% ./tut03_01c
Employee(e1,1000) called -- this=0x7fffffffea20. [normal ctor]
~Employee([0x7fffffffea20]) called
Looks good: no more gratuitous copies nor ephemeral Employee objects. But beware, this isn’t as safe as we might imagine! How about the following code?
// tut03_01d.cpp -- store pointers to Employee objects in a std::map

#include "tut03_01.h"
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <cstdlib>

typedef std::map<std::string, Employee *> map_t;

hire_at_minimum_wages(const std::string name, map_t &payroll)
  Employee aSlave(name, 400.0);
  payroll[name] = &aSlave;

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  map_t aMap;
  hire_at_minimum_wages("Hungry Programmer", aMap);
  hire_at_minimum_wages("Uncle Tom", aMap);

  for (map_t::const_iterator it = aMap.begin(); it != aMap.end(); ++it)
    std::cout << "Employee(" << it->first << "), "
              << it->second->getName() << ", $"
              << it->second->getSalary() << std::endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Running it segfaults:
% c++ -o tut03_01d tut03_01d.cpp

% ./tut03_01d
Employee(Hungry Programmer,400) called -- this=0x7fffffffe940. [normal ctor]
~Employee([0x7fffffffe940]) called
Employee(Uncle Tom,400) called -- this=0x7fffffffe940. [normal ctor]
~Employee([0x7fffffffe940]) called
Bus error (core dumped)
If you’re a C or C++ programmer, you’d have already spotted the obvious error: aMap stores stale pointers to Employeeobjects that have already been destroyed (when the local variable aSlave in hire_at_minimum_wages() has gone out of scope)! The moment we tried to access this memory — even in a read-only manner –, we entered the realm of the scary undefined behavior.
Obviously, saving a pointer to an auto object like aSlave into a long-lived container isn’t such a bright idea!
An alternative is to modify hire_at_minimum_wages() in such a way, that it instantiates dynamic (heap) objects with new:
// tut03_01e.cpp -- store pointers to Employee objects in a std::map

#include "tut03_01.h"
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <cstdlib>

typedef std::map<std::string, Employee *> map_t;

hire_at_minimum_wages(const std::string name, map_t &payroll)
  Employee *aSlavePtr = new Employee(name, 400.0);
  payroll[name] = aSlavePtr;

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  map_t aMap;
  hire_at_minimum_wages("Hungry Programmer", aMap);
  hire_at_minimum_wages("Uncle Tom", aMap);

  std::cout << "Our slaves:" << std::endl;
  for (map_t::const_iterator it = aMap.begin(); it != aMap.end(); ++it)
    std::cout << "  Employee(" << it->first << "), "
              << it->second->getName() << ", $"
              << it->second->getSalary() << std::endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
So let’s try it:
% c++ -o tut03_01e tut03_01e.cpp

% ./tut03_01e
Employee(Hungry Programmer,400) called -- this=0x800d03040. [normal ctor]
Employee(Uncle Tom,400) called -- this=0x800d03050. [normal ctor]
Our slaves:
  Employee(Hungry Programmer), Hungry Programmer, $400
  Employee(Uncle Tom), Uncle Tom, $400
No more core dumps, but this time, we’ve got another problem. Can you guess which one? It’s right there to see, even if it is invisible! Hint: where have the calls to ~Employee() gone?
The problem here is that we’ve got a big fat memory leak: now that aMap doesn’t store Employee objects anymore, but pointers to Employee, aMap‘s destructor will not call ~Employee(). In fact, aMap‘s destructor will try to call the destructor of the stored pointers, but since the raw pointers used here don’t have destructors, nothing happens. Of course,delete never gets called on the new-ed objects… thus the memory leak.


The previous issue was caused by the fact that raw pointers don’t have destructors, and therefore, the destructor of the container wasn’t able to clean up dynamically allocated memory.
Instead of storing raw pointers in an STL container, we could have stored a custom object that mimics a raw pointer. This object would have to keep track of the number of references pointing to some data, and its destructor would deallocate the object (by calling delete object) when the last reference pointing to it is about to disappear. Do you recognize Python’s memory allocation scheme here?
Fortunatly, we don’t have to implement such a beast, because it already exists. Not in the C++ standard though, but in its TR1 addendum instead:
// tut03_01f.cpp -- store pointers to Employee objects in a std::map

#include "tut03_01.h"
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <tr1/memory>

// If <tr1/memory> is not available for your compiler,
// #include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
// and use boost::shared_ptr instead of std::tr1::shared_ptr.
// Don't forget to add -I/path/to/boost/headers when compiling.
// Boost headers and library are available at

typedef std::tr1::shared_ptr<Employee> emp_ptr_t;
typedef std::map<std::string, emp_ptr_t> map_t;

hire_at_minimum_wages(const std::string name, map_t &payroll)
  emp_ptr_t aSlavePtr(new Employee(name, 400.0));
  payroll[name] = aSlavePtr;

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  map_t aMap;
  hire_at_minimum_wages("Hungry Programmer", aMap);
  hire_at_minimum_wages("Uncle Tom", aMap);

  std::cout << "Our slaves:" << std::endl;
  for (map_t::const_iterator it = aMap.begin(); it != aMap.end(); ++it)
    std::cout << "  Employee(" << it->first << "), "
              << it->second->getName() << ", $"
              << it->second->getSalary() << std::endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
As shown in the comments, if your compiler doesn’t support TR1 headers yet, use Boost‘s boost::shared_ptr template instead, and add something like -I/usr/local/include when compiling.
So let’s try it out, one last time:
% c++ -o tut03_01f tut03_01f.cpp

% ./tut03_01f
Employee(Hungry Programmer,400) called -- this=0x800d03040. [normal ctor]
Employee(Uncle Tom,400) called -- this=0x800d03050. [normal ctor]
Our slaves:
  Employee(Hungry Programmer), Hungry Programmer, $400
  Employee(Uncle Tom), Uncle Tom, $400
~Employee([0x800d03050]) called
~Employee([0x800d03040]) called
Ain’t that sweet?


STL containers store copies of objects, and assume ownership of them; i.e. their destructor takes care of calling the destructors of all stored objects when necessary.
This copying behavior can incur an additional overhead w.r.t. CPU cycles and memory used to create ephemeral temporary objects. Moreover, those copy semantics are not the same as Python’s, Perl’s and other interpreted languages’ you may be used to.
Instead of storing objects into STL containers, one could also store just raw pointers to objects. But then, the container is no longer responsible for those objects. Extra care must be taken not to store pointers to auto (stack based) objects, and pointers to new allocated objects will leak memory.
When storing pointers to objects in STL containers, it is better to avoid raw pointers, and use a std::tr1::shared_ptrinstead. If your compiler doesn’t implement the TR1 headers yet, you can use the corresponding boost::shared_ptrtemplate from the Boost Libraries (best practices documented here).
In the next tutorial, we’ll have a look at stream iterators.

C++ Tutorial (4)

This is part 4 of a fast paced C++ tutorial for programmers familiar with high level languages like Perl and Python.

Copying files with Standard I/O Streams

After having familiarized ourselves with std::map in the previous tutorial, it’s time to take a closer look at the I/O Streams Library. So, in this tutorial, we’ll be copying text and binary files “the C++ way.”
Copying files isn’t exactly an interesting task, especially since we could run external utilities like cp(1) with thesystem(3) library call. To avoid the overhead of spawning an external process, we could also copy files the plain old C way, e.g. chunkwise using fread(3) and fwrite(3) from <cstdio>. However, the purpose of this tutorial is to learn C++, so let’s look at how to copy files using I/O streams from the STL.


If the file is a collection of lines (i.e. not a binary file), we could copy the file line-wise:
// copy1.cpp -- copying of files, line structure.

#include <string>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  std::ifstream ifs(argv[1]);
  std::ofstream ofs(argv[2]);

  std::string aLine;

  while (std::getline(ifs, aLine))
    ofs << aLine << std::endl;


  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
An input file is represented by the input stream ifs of type std::ifstream, and an output file is represented by the output stream ofs of type std::ofstream:
std::ifstream ifs(argv[1]);
std::ofstream ofs(argv[2]);
Those input and output streams can be used just like std::cin and std::cout.
Lines are read in from the input stream with the std::getline function. Destination of the read is aLine, a std::string:
std::string aLine;

while (std::getline(ifs, aLine))
  ofs << aLine << std::endl;
We use a std::string instead of an old style buffer, because std::string automatically adapts its length to the size of the input, so we don’t have to worry about buffer overflows.
Since std::getline strips the end-of-line character(s) from its input, we need to add it again in the output (we use thestd::endl manipulator for that, though it may have been more efficient to simply append "\n" and not flushing the output stream).
After we’re done with the files, we can close them explicitely:
Needless to say: this program is only for line-oriented files.


The previous program had an important property: it used a streamlined data flow: as soon as a line (or a chunk) was read in, it was written to the output. That program’s memory footprint was very small.
Alternatively, we could have slurped the whole file into memory (e.g. into a std::vector of std::strings), and then written the output:
// copy2.cpp -- copying of files, lines structures, via container

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  typedef std::vector<std::string> vec_t;
  vec_t theLines;
  std::string aLine;

  std::ifstream ifs(argv[1]);
  while (std::getline(ifs, aLine))

  std::ofstream ofs(argv[2]);
  typedef vec_t::const_iterator iter_t;
  for (iter_t i = theLines.begin(); i != theLines.end(); ++i)
    ofs << *i << std::endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
As before, we used a std::ifstream and std::ofstream to represent input and output files; and of course, we’re again reading in the data line-wise with the std::getline function.
What’s new here is the data structure theLines. This is our vector of strings. Note that we defined the data type vec_tlike this:
typedef std::vector<std::string> vec_t;
so that we can later on define a constant iterator out of it:
typedef vec_t::const_iterator iter_t;
We used the vec_t::push_back method of theLines to append the (stripped) lines to the end of the vector in the whileloop. In the output for loop, we let an iterator i traverse the vectory from begin to end. Of course, we don’t want to output the iterator i but what i points to, i.e. we dereference i as in *i.
This program isn’t as good as the previous one, because it needs to store the whole file into memory (i.e. into theLines). This is okay for small files, but copying very large files (e.g. many GBs large) is sure to exhaust the virtual memory of the process.
The lesson to remember here: always use a streamlined data flow if you can!


The code of the previous program wasn’t very elegant. Some idioms could have been written in a more concise way. Look at this variation:
// copy3.cpp -- copying of files, lines structures, via containers and algs.

#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  typedef std::vector<std::string> vec_t;
  vec_t theLines;
  std::string aLine;

  std::ifstream ifs(argv[1]);
  std::ofstream ofs(argv[2]);
            std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(ofs, "\n"));

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
The while and for loops are gone and have been replaced by calls to the generic std::copy algorithm (from<algorithm>). This algorithm has the following signature:
and can be applied to nearly every structure that provides the necessary iterator semantics. For example, to replace the while loop with an idiomatic std::copy call, we need:
  • an input iterator pointing to the beginning of the input sequence. Since we want to read from an input stream, we need an std::istream_iterator adaptor, parameterized for std::string and using ifs as input stream:std::istream_iterator<std::string>(ifs),
  • an input interator pointing one past the end of the input sequence. Here we need a special notation / convention: the iterator adaptor std::istream_iterator<std::string>() without parameters represents such an end iterator.
  • an output iterator, that wenn called, will automatically call the function push_back on the data structure passed to it (so it will fill the vector). We could write such an iterator manually, but why bother, if we can use a prefabricated iterator from <iterator>: std::back_inserter, parameterized with the name of the needed target data structure? std::back_inserter(theLines)
This results in the following idiomatic code:
To output the vector theLines with std::copy we need:
  • an input iterator pointing to the beginning of the vector: theLines.begin()
  • an input iterator pointing one past the end of the vector: theLines.end()
  • an output iterator, that, when called, will send the data it gets to an output stream. Again, we could write such an input interator by hand, but it’s much more convenient to use an iterator adaptor from <iterator>. More precisely, we get such an output iterator with std::ostream_iterator, passing the data type std::string as template parameter, and the desired output stream and separator string as parameters:std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(ofs, "\n").
This results in the following very idiomatic code:
          std::ostream_iterator<std::string>(ofs, "\n"));
Obviously, even though it is more readable than the previous example, this program isn’t streamlined, because it buffers its whole input.


All previous examples were about copying lines. To copy a binary file, we need to read and write bytes or chunks (buffers of bytes) directly. One way to do this, is to call istream::get or istream::read, to fetch data, and ostream::put orostream::write to save it. You may want to try it. Have a look at the headers <istream> and <ostream> for the signatures.
A different, much more idiomatic approach is to use std::copy again, like this:
// copy4.cpp -- copying of files, via streambufs, iters and algs.

#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  std::ifstream ifs(argv[1]);
  std::ofstream ofs(argv[2]);



  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
istreambuf_iterator and ostreambuf_iterator are iterator adaptors that operate directly on the underlying streambuf of the respective streams. You may find details about them in <iterator> or in a header that is #included by that (e.g. with gcc-4.2, it is in /usr/include/c++/4.2/bits/streambuf_iterator.h on my system)


There are many ways to copy files using the C++ I/O Streams library. Text files can be copied line-by-line, while binary files need to be copied byte- or chunkwise.
When copying files, we should strive to streamline the data flow — i.e. not to buffer the whole input file in memory — because large files can easily overflow the available amount of virtual memory.
Instead of using loops, you should use the more idiomatic std::copy algorithm with appropriate iterators. Iterators that operate on streams can be obtained with std::istream_iterator and std::ostream_iterator.
Bypassing the formatting that the stream imposes is possible too with the std::istreambuf_iterator andstd::ostreambuf_iterator iterator adaptors, which operate directly on the underlying streambuf, and are thus more efficient.
In the next tutorial, we’ll use an external library (POCO) to Base64 encode and -decode files and strings.

C++ Tutorial (5)

This is part 5 of a fast paced C++ tutorial for programmers familiar with high level languages like Perl and Python.

Beyond the C++ STL

In the previous C++ tutorials, all examples were restricted to the C++ Standard Templates Library (STL), which is part of every ANSI C++ compliant compiler environment, and which we can take for granted.
Unfortunately, the STL doesn’t include classes for many popular areas, like:
  • Networking
  • Crypto
  • Databases
  • XML
  • GUI Frameworks
This is intentional: because C++ is a superset of C, C++ programmers could just as easily call external C or C++ libraries (e.g. Berkeley Sockets API for networking, OpenSSL for Crypto, C bindings for SQLite3, PostgreSQL, MySQL, … for database connectivity, SAX and DOM for XML parsing, and various C++ GUI frameworks like Qt, wxWidgets, and so on.
C++ designers didn’t want to impose a default standard for all those areas of application: C++ and the STL’s philosophy is distinctly different from Java’s which includes and therefore standardizes a lot of different APIs.
So, as C++ programmers, we’re confronted with a series of choices regarding external libraries. Which library is best suited for networking? For database connectivity?…
As firm believers in Open Source Software (OSS), we eliminate closed-source and proprietary libraries right from the start (feel free to use one, if need be). Furthermore, we eliminate libraries that are not portable across platforms: it just doesn’t make sense to develop against a Windows-only API if you want to port your application to Linux later, or vice-versa, right?
There are many cross-platform OSS C++ libraries out there, some of them highly specialized, others broad in scope and size. The following “generalist” libraries are interesting from the point of view of a general application developer:
  • Boost: a collection of C++ libraries designed by many members of the C++ standards committee with the intent to include the best of them in revised versions of the C++ Standard.
  • POCO: a set of portable C++ components that aims to close many gaps left open by the STL.
  • Qt: A powerful, cross-platform framework of C++ classes for GUI development.
In all cases, before using an external library, it is necessary to download, compile and install it both on the development and on the target machine. In this tutorial, we’ll explore a couple of classes from the POCO library, so if it isn’t already installed on your system, you’ll need to fetch it from its web site, and install it.


To transmit files over a channel that is not 8-bit clean (e.g. UUCP, old SMTP, NNTP etc…), it is necessary to encode binary files in such a way that only some characters are being used. A long time, ago, people used to uuencode(1) and uudecode(1) such files, but today, we would Base64-encode and -decode them.
On some systems (like FreeBSD), we can use the utilities b64encode and b64decode, that are already part of the system, to achieve the job. But on most other systems, we need to roll our own Base64 encoders and decoders.
Fortunately, POCO provides the classes Poco::Base64Encoder and Poco::Base64Decoder to do the job.
Base-64 encoding a file: b64encode.cpp
This is one possible implementation of b64encode using the Poco::Base64Encoder class:
// b64encode.cpp -- Base64 encode a file with Poco::Base64Encoder

#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "Poco/Base64Encoder.h"

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  std::ifstream ifs(argv[1]);
  std::ofstream ofs(argv[2]);
  Poco::Base64Encoder b64out(ofs);

  b64out.close(); // always call this at the end!

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
This is how to compile this program:
% c++ -O2 -I/usr/local/include -Wall   -c -o b64encode.o b64encode.cpp
% cc -L/usr/local/lib  b64encode.o  -lPocoFoundation -o b64encode
The program is not really that much different from copy4.cpp of the previous tutorial, which was, in a nutshell:
std::ifstream ifs(argv[1]);
std::ofstream ofs(argv[2]);


The only difference is that we copy the output to b64out, which wraps the std::ofstream ofs in a Poco::Base64Encoder, and use b64out as the destination of the std::copy operation.
This is the result of Base64-encoding some big file:
% ./b64encode /boot/kernel/kernel /var/tmp/kernel.b64

% ls -l /boot/kernel/kernel /var/tmp/kernel.b64
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root   wheel  12161158 Feb 24 12:47 /boot/kernel/kernel
-rw-r--r--  1 farid  wheel  16665292 Mar 21 16:09 /var/tmp/kernel.b64
As you can see, the base-64 encoded file is, as expected, larger. We can also peek into (the beginning) of both files:
% hd /boot/kernel/kernel | head -5
00000000  7f 45 4c 46 02 01 01 09  00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |.ELF............|
00000010  02 00 3e 00 01 00 00 00  10 b1 18 80 ff ff ff ff  |..>.............|
00000020  40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  08 4f 9f 00 00 00 00 00  |@........O......|
00000030  00 00 00 00 40 00 38 00  05 00 40 00 25 00 22 00  |....@.8...@.%.".|
00000040  06 00 00 00 05 00 00 00  40 00 00 00 00 00 00 00  |........@.......|

% hd /var/tmp/kernel.b64 | head -5
00000000  66 30 56 4d 52 67 49 42  41 51 6b 41 41 41 41 41  |f0VMRgIBAQkAAAAA|
00000010  41 41 41 41 41 41 49 41  50 67 41 42 41 41 41 41  |AAAAAAIAPgABAAAA|
00000020  45 4c 45 59 67 50 2f 2f  2f 2f 39 41 41 41 41 41  |ELEYgP////9AAAAA|
00000030  41 41 41 41 41 41 68 50  6e 77 41 41 41 41 41 41  |AAAAAAhPnwAAAAAA|
00000040  41 41 41 41 41 45 41 41  0d 0a 4f 41 41 46 41 45  |AAAAAEAA..OAAFAE|
We see that the second file contains only printable characters.
The reverse operation is Base-64 decoding a file. Instead of Poco::Base64Encoder, we simply use aPoco::Base64Decoder, like this:
// b64decode.cpp -- Base64 decode a file with Poco::Base64Decoder

#include <fstream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "Poco/Base64Decoder.h"

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  std::ifstream ifs(argv[1]);
  Poco::Base64Decoder b64in(ifs);
  std::ofstream ofs(argv[2]);


  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
This is, again, our file copy program, idiomatic version with std::copy and streambuf_iterators. In b64encode we wrapped ofs with Poco::Base64Encoder. Here, we wrapped ifs with Poco::Base64Decoder, resulting in an input streamb64in.
% c++ -O2 -I/usr/local/include -Wall   -c -o b64decode.o b64decode.cpp
% cc -L/usr/local/lib  b64decode.o  -lPocoFoundation -o b64decode
Now, let’s Base64-decode the file we’ve previously Base64-encoded:
% ./b64decode /var/tmp/kernel.b64 /var/tmp/kernel.decoded

% ls -l /boot/kernel/kernel /var/tmp/kernel.decoded
-r-xr-xr-x  1 root   wheel  12161158 Feb 24 12:47 /boot/kernel/kernel
-rw-r--r--  1 farid  wheel  12161158 Mar 21 16:19 /var/tmp/kernel.decoded

% diff /boot/kernel/kernel /var/tmp/kernel.decoded
% rm /var/tmp/kernel.b64 /var/tmp/kernel.decoded
Of course, we’ve got the very same file that we’ve encoded previously.


Suppose we don’t want to Base-64 encode whole files, but only std::strings. One example could be that we want to compose Base64-encoded e-mail messages from some data that the user entered in a GUI element.
We could re-use Poco::Base64Encoder and Poco::Base64Decoder to transform strings, but there’s a little problem here: both classes need output- und input streams, respectively, and not strings! However, the signature of the functions we need are:
std::string toBase64 (const std::string &source);
std::string fromBase64 (const std::string &source);
Fortunately, we can easily transform a string to an input or output stream with std::istringstream andstd::ostringstream from <sstream>. toBase64 could look like this:
toBase64 (const std::string &source)
  std::istringstream in(source);
  std::ostringstream out;
  Poco::Base64Encoder b64out(out);

  b64out.close(); // always call this at the end!

  return out.str();
and fromBase64 would be:
fromBase64 (const std::string &source)
  std::istringstream in(source);
  std::ostringstream out;
  Poco::Base64Decoder b64in(in);


  return out.str();
Here’s one possible main program:
// b64strings.cpp -- functions to Base64 encode and decode strings.

#include <string>
#include <sstream>
#include <algorithm>
#include <iterator>
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include "Poco/Base64Encoder.h"
#include "Poco/Base64Decoder.h"

std::string toBase64 (const std::string &source);   // As shown above
std::string fromBase64 (const std::string &source); // As shown above

main (int argc, char *argv[])
  std::string clearText("hello, world!");
  std::string b64Text(toBase64(clearText));
  std::string clearAgain(fromBase64(b64Text));

  std::cout << "Clear1: " << clearText  << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Base64: " << b64Text    << std::endl;
  std::cout << "Clear2: " << clearAgain << std::endl;

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Compling and running it:
% c++ -O2 -I/usr/local/include -Wall   -c -o b64strings.o b64strings.cpp
% cc -L/usr/local/lib  b64strings.o  -lPocoFoundation -o b64strings

% ./b64strings
Clear1: hello, world!
Base64: aGVsbG8sIHdvcmxkIQ==
Clear2: hello, world!


To overcome the (intentional) limitations of the C++ STL, it is necessary to use external libraries. We distinguish between closed-source and open-source libraries, between highly specialized and broad scope libraries, and between platform-specific and cross-platform libraries.
Good libraries include Boost, Poco, and Qt, but they are by no means the only ones. C++ isn’t Java: the standard doesn’t define what external libraries are best suited for your needs. The choice is yours to make.
As an example, we’ve used the input stream adapter Poco::Base64Encode from the POCO library to Base64-encode files (or streams, more generally), and Poco::Base64Decode to Base64-decode files (or streams). We’ve seen how to make use of std::istringstream and std::ostringstring in combination with the above mentioned POCO classes, to Base64-encode and Base64-decode std::strings.
Basically, we’re simply plumbing well-tested code components together and don’t reinvent the wheel.

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